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Ail Sul yr Adfent Second Sunday in Advent

Dydd Sul Nesaf – Next Sunday
8fed Mis Rhagfyr – 8th December

Byddwn ni’n tynnu Clwb Cant (Dwywaith y gwobrau) am Nadolig ar dydd Sul 8fed Mis Rhagfyr.

Os dach chi isio ymuno’r clwb cysyllu â Rachael Evans (07879036768 neu
£52 y blwyddyn neu £13 pob 3 fis – trwy’r banc os bosib. Gwobrau: £100, £75, £50

Lawrlwythio a rhannu:
ein gwahoddiad Adfent a Nadolig
Download and share:
our Advent and Christmas Invitation.
Lawrlwythio, ddarllen a rhannu:
ein lythyr yr Adfent.
Download, read and share:
our Advent letter.

Bydd y cwrs yn parhad gyda session o’r Esgobaeth Mynwy. Gwiliwch y cyflwyniad yn gynt.

Byddwn ni’n dilyn y cwrs hwn gyda cinio ar Ddydd Mercher hwn o 12.30yh yn y neuadd Betws-y-Coed, â wedyn Cymun am 2yh.

Dydd Sul Nesaf 8fed Mis Rhagfyr

09.30 Dolgarrog – Eucharist
11.00 Betws-y-Coed – Eucharist

16.30 Hosbis Dewi Sant Coeden Oleuadau my Mhetws-y-Coed Meithrinfa’r Ardd gyda Côr Penmachno
17.00 Trefriw – Carolau a Goleuadau’r Coeden Nadolig y Pentre.

Malachi 3. 1-4 Philipiaid 1. 3-11 Luc 3. 1-6

The Christmas (Doulble Prizes) 100 Club Draw will take place on Sunday 8 December.

If you would like to join the 100 club, please get in touch with Rachael Evans (07879036768 or rachaelevans65@hotmail
.com). Membership is £13 per quarter / £52 per year, standing order set up is preferred. Prizes include £100, £75 and

The course continues with a session from the Diocese of Monmouth which you can watch in advance.

We will be following this course with lunch from 12.30pm on Wednesday in the hall at Betws-y-Coed with communion to follow at 2pm.

Bwcio’r Neuadd Betws-y-Coed Hall Bookings
Plîs defnyddio’r wefan ‘Hallmaster’ am holl archebiadau’r neuadd Betws-y-Coed
Please use the website ‘Hallmaster’ for all bookings of the Hall at Betws-y-Coed

Dyddiadau a Digwyddiadau o Y Ddolen, Cylchlythyr yr Esgobaeth Bangor

Diwrnod Tawelwch yr Adfent

Cymerwch seibiant o’r prysurdeb cyn y Nadolig ac ymunwch â ni am ddiwrnod tawel o weddi, myfyrdod a thawelwch yn nhŷ a thir canolfan encilio Noddfa, Hen Ffordd Conwy, Penmaenmawr. Bydd y diwrnod yn dechrau am 10am ac yn gorffen tua 3.30pm ddydd Mercher 18 Rhagfyr. Dewch â’ch pecyn bwyd eich hun, te a choffi ar gael. Rhodd awgrymedig o £5 i dalu costau. Cofrestrwch fel ein bod yn gwybod rhifau – Parch Tom Saunders 07766303653

Dates and Events from Y Ddolen, Bangor Diocesan Newsletter

Advent Quiet Day

Take a break from the pre-Christmas busy-ness and join us for a quiet day of prayer, reflection and silence in the house and grounds of the Noddfa retreat centre, Conwy Old Road, Penmaenmawr. The day will begin at 10am and end at around 3.30pm on Wednesday 18th December. Bring your own packed lunch, tea and coffee provided. Suggested donation of £5 to cover costs. Please register so that we know numbers – Revd Tom Saunders 07766 303653

We believe in inclusive Church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality. We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.”
Inclusive Church Network